05 Apr March Casual for a Cause
Every month, the Gilbert’s team has the honor of nominating a local organization to be the recipient for Casual for a Cause. Working as a team, every member of the office has the opportunity to donate $5 in exchange for one jeans day or $25 to receive a whole month of jeans days. All money raised directly benefits the chosen organization and is a great way for employees to give back to local organizations that do so much for our community.
The Gilbert’s team and its sister company kicked off March by holding a gently used or new book & game drive as part of March’s Casual for a Cause. As a team, the office donated nine games, 13 puzzles, 52 children’s books, and 62 teenage/young adult books. All items donated were for programs run by the Children’s Aid Society of Mercer County.
The Children’s Aid Society offers many services to Mercer County including: adoption programs, day care, family life education, foster care, and a mentoring program for young adults, to name a few. The organization is dedicated to support and strengthen children, families, and communities throughout Mercer County by offering resources and support families need to help their children thrive.
In addition to the book & game drive, the office raised $140 in jeans day donations for the Children’s Aid Society.
If you would like to learn more about the Children’s Aid Society of Mercer County or get involved, please visit their website at:
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