15 Jul Protect Your Furry Friends: Exploring Pet Insurance
According to American Pet Products (APPA), 86.9 million, or 66% of U.S. households, own a pet. With the resources available for the safety and upkeep of pets, such as veterinarians, there should be no issue in protecting them and providing them with proper and necessary care. In times of need, it’s very helpful to have extra funds that can go straight to your animal and its needs.
What Is Pet Insurance?
Pet insurance is health insurance that offers you coverage for certain health expenses for your furry friend. These expenses could include routine check-ups or more severe veterinary procedures. While veterinarians are available to address your pet’s health needs, the costs can be significant. Having insurance ensures you would be reimbursed for the expenses, making it a valuable investment for pet owners.
What Pet Insurance Covers
Accidents and Illness
- Accidental injuries
- Euthanasia or anesthesia
- Cremation and burial expenses
- Ingestion of a foreign object
- Accidental death
- Illnesses such as cancer, influenza, and kennel cough
- Alternative medicine
- Behavioral Therapy
- Hereditary and congenital conditions
Accidents, Illness, and Wellness
Includes everything covered under Accidents and Illnesses, plus fixed payment amounts for:
- Wellness exams
- Intestinal deworming
- Routine dental cleaning
- Flea and tick prevention
- Heartworm tests and medications
- Dietary food and supplements
- Prescription medications
- Boosters and vaccinations
Pets are more than animals; they’re members of the family. Making sure they receive the best possible care when unexpected incidents occur is essential for their well-being. Insurance provides peace of mind that veterinary expenses will be covered, allowing pet owners to focus on their pet’s health rather than financial concerns.
To discuss your options, contact one of our talented Risk Advisors today!
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